This unit my definite weakness was keeping track of my notebook. The major reason for this was because I missed the first day of this unit. As a result I did miss a section of notes and keeping up with my notebook after that was difficult. My success was with my time management. This semester has been especially busy because of my extracurricular activities, despite this I have been able to successfully complete all my homework and study sufficiently for the temp checks that we have had.\
One interesting lab we did revolved around the digestive system. We used string to measure just how long the digestive system is. I found out the digestive system is around 14 meters long. I was amazed at how something that long can fit in our body.
I would like to learn more about the impact of the endocrine system on our muscular system. I would also like to learn more about the different functions of the hormones in the endocrine system.
Digestive System
Endocrine System