Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Sheep Eye Dissection

Videos from the Dissection Part 1 Part 2

The eye allows us to see. Light rays reflect off an object and pass through the cornea of our eye, the clear outer covering. The rays pass through the pupil, which is a hole regulated in size by the iris. They then pass through the lens which bends the light onto the back of the eye on the retina. The lens is controlled by the ciliary muscle. These rays are then interpreted by the optic nerve and signals are sent to the brain to tell us what the object looks like.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Continuing the build

I have been continuing to 3d print the parts. I have decided to use an arduino chip to control the hand, I have been learning how to code and use this device in my digital electronics class. The design that I have settled on is the K1 hand by enable. What I will do is make the hand after I have 3d printed the parts then go a step furter and motorize the hand so it can open and close at my command. The system will use a system of pulleys and cables to function. Currently I have printed half of the parts and am still working on the others. However, I have faced some difficulties printing the parts as I am about to run out of the printer feeder material, and a couple of the parts I have tried to print have failed so I will need to reprint them.

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Clay Brain

We made a model of the brain made out of clay. We used different colors of clay to represent different parts of the brain, and labeled them as well. We had to look at different models from the internet to get an accurate representation.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

The Women with a Hole in her Brain

This article talks about how recently it was found out that a women who is 24 years old has been able to live without a whole cerebellum. This part of the brain contains about ten percent of the volume of the brain but about 50 percent of the neurons. It is even considered somewhat of a mini brain as it is responsible for many important functions relating to voluntary movement and balance. Her brain was able to adapt to this missing part of the brain and other parts of the brain took over the job of the cerebellum. This case displays the remarkable ability of the brain to adapt.

The main function of the precentral gyrus is to control the voluntary muscle movements of the skeletal muscles. If that part of the brain was taken out one would experience much difficulty carrying out physical tasks as it would be hard for them to coordinate their movements. You essentially would be able to survive without this part of the brain. Other parts of the brain would help take over these actions as the brain is extremely adaptable.