Tuesday, May 31, 2016

20 time final post

1. My 20 time project all in all went really well. At the beginning i can honestly say that it was hard for me to find a topic that I would be passionate about. However, i feel like chose something that I love and something that I will pursue later on in my life. In my project I learned a lot about prosthetics and how they work. I learned about the different types of prosthetics and how 3d printing has been implemented to further revolutionize them. I also learned how to use a 3d printer. Through multiple trials and much error i can now finally print parts easily with the 3d printer i have. I learned a lot from this project. I feel like the prosthetic hands I made turned out really well and I am incredibly proud.

I feel like my Ted talk went alright. I am not all that great at presenting. I also procrastinated a lot in the preparation for my ted talk. However, i did convey my message across to the audience. I feel like if i did practice much more my ted talk would have turned out much better.

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