Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Health, to me, means having a well balanced life that includes all of the pillars listed above. To me I feel the pillars that I am the strongest at are exercise, nutrition, and stress. I exercise regularly almost everyday of the week either going to the gym or training for badminton. I also try to eat healthy foods throughout the day and make sure I get sufficient nutrients for the amount of exercise I do. I am also good at handling stress and making the best out of very high pressure situations. I feel normally feel relaxed and at ease throughout the week. The pillars that I need to work on are sleep and social. I get, on average only around 5 hours of sleep during the week. I also believe that I do not spend enough time with my friends and family as I should. I want to learn more about nutrition. Specifically I want to know what a healthy diet consists of and what I should be eating throughout the day.

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