Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Unit 7 Reflection

This unit covered the muscular system. In this unit we learned all about the different muscles that are in the human body and what movement they carry out. We learned about the fast twitch muscles and slow twitch muscles as well as which exercises are suited for each type of muscle. Slow twitch muscles are suited for long distance cardiovascular exercise while fast twitch muscles are best for short bursts of high intensity cardiovascular exercise. We also learned about the 12 steps of muscular contraction and the different processes involved in this. Finally we learned about performance enhancement supplements and while they may produce many appealing short term effects, their long term effects are extremely dangerous

I still want to learn more about the different diseases of the muscular system. I want to learn what types there are, the treatment available, and how these different diseases affect the anatomy of the muscular system. I still wonder about the question of how much potential our muscles really have. I wonder about why we are able to lift so much weight with just our hand, and almost no other mechanical device can do the same task with such efficiency.

As a student I believe I have grown. I tried to keep my notebook in check. I did all of the homework that was assigned. I did watch the vodcasts multiple times to try to understand them as well. I also paid very close attention to the labs we did as they were really interesting.

Pictures of the Chicken Dissection Lab

Link to the Video on the Steps of Muscle Contraction

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